Sun Safety: Sunburn Fail
How do you convince a bunch of 17-25 year olds to protect themselves from the sun? It's a long running problem and a difficult group to talk to. So, instead of using scare tactics we chose to go the opposite way, make them laugh and while doing so, underline it with a genuine message about sun safety in Queensland. The insight came from the fact that teenagers think skin cancer is only caused by sunburn and that day-to-day exposure isn't something to be concerned about. We wanted to show that sun damage can happen anywhere and at anytime. Simply walking to work each day is enough for skin cancer to develop if not properly protected from the sun. The idea was to show a set of badly sunburnt individuals of different ages looking a little miserable or embarrassed and slap a 'Fail' badge over the image. At the same time we show images of a non-sunburnt people in the act of running, at a café or working and apply the same 'Fail' badge indicating you don't need to get sunburnt to get skin cancer. We developed a fully integrated campaign running ads in street press, posters in cafés, bars and bill sites, web banners on music sites such as 'In The Mix' and expanding banners on news sites such Yahoo News. On top of the is Facebook and Twitter where used to spread and share our sunburn images which then directed people to a campaign minisite and mobile site.